The days flash by like seconds on a clock. The world constantly spinning round, like that little second hand. It makes me dizzy to think about. Today felt like any other day, but maybe thats what made it special... Everyday is special. The small moments admits a sea of movement make the days stand out. The few minutes I had to talk with my host Dad about his recent trip to South Africa, the smell of my host Mom's cooking, and coming home to a room filled with curious children, all made my day unique. The small moments when put together, like pieces in the puzzle of life, form a beautiful picture.
Coming back to my homestay after my afternoon class and run on the beach, I see the friendly smiles of my host family accompanied by their greetings. After I've said hello to everyone, I'm followed by a small flock of children as I enter my room. Snatching a few toys, they entertain themselves scurrying around like squirrels in the forest. When they see me start writing, Babacar grabbes a comic book and all the other little ones gathere around to see each turn of the page. Its quiet for a moment, something that doesn't happen very often, I can take a deep breath and listen...